Resource Guide for preparing the National Communications of Non-Annex I Parties, Module 2 Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change. Author: UNFCCC 2008
Experiences with vulnerability assessments at the local level in eight GIZ projects are described including an outline of the methods used and their context. Author: GIZ 2013
Comparative analysis of climate change vulnerability assessments: Lessons from Tunisia and Indonesia, A. Hammil, L. Bizikova, J. Karami and M. McCandless, Eschborn, Germany. Author: GIZ (2013)
The annex to the CIFOR Study on Climate Impact Chains in Coastal Areas gives exact references for each element of the impact chains, abstracts for the literature used, as well as an elaboration of methods used in the study. Author: GIZ 2013
Policy Brief I for the CIFOR study about climate impact chains in coastal areas: Potential for ecosystem-based adaptation in the coastal areas of Indonesia and the Philippines. Author: GIZ 2013
This extensive literature review, made by CIFOR Indonesia for GIZ, applies the impact chain concept to coastal areas, highlighting vulnerabilities and useful paths for action. Author: GIZ 2013
Second International Workshop on Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change. Managing Adaptation Processes, 10–12 November 2010, New Delhi, organised by ADB, DFID, GTZ, USAID, World Bank Author: GTZ (2010)
International Workshop on Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change. Guidance and Tools GTZ House Berlin, Potsdam Square 28-30 May 2009 organised by DFID, GTZ, USAID, World Bank. Author: GTZ (2009)
The Guide provides information, practical tools, case studies and recommendations to support Industrial Zone managers in conducting a climate risk analysis and developing an adaptation strategy. The Guide is structured along the following sections: Industrial zones and adaptation to climate change, implementing an adaptation strategy, building adaptation capacity of industrial zones, supporting tools and references.