Policy Brief I for the CIFOR study about climate impact chains in coastal areas: Potential for ecosystem-based adaptation in the coastal areas of Indonesia and the Philippines. Author: GIZ 2013
This extensive literature review, made by CIFOR Indonesia for GIZ, applies the impact chain concept to coastal areas, highlighting vulnerabilities and useful paths for action. Author: GIZ 2013
Second International Workshop on Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change. Managing Adaptation Processes, 10–12 November 2010, New Delhi, organised by ADB, DFID, GTZ, USAID, World Bank Author: GTZ (2010)
International Workshop on Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change. Guidance and Tools GTZ House Berlin, Potsdam Square 28-30 May 2009 organised by DFID, GTZ, USAID, World Bank. Author: GTZ (2009)
The Guide provides information, practical tools, case studies and recommendations to support Industrial Zone managers in conducting a climate risk analysis and developing an adaptation strategy. The Guide is structured along the following sections: Industrial zones and adaptation to climate change, implementing an adaptation strategy, building adaptation capacity of industrial zones, supporting tools and references.
This study explores how public finance can be better used to stimulate private sector engagement in building disaster resilience and preparedness for natural catastrophes and climate change. Through four country case studies (Bangladesh, Kenya, Mozambique, Pakistan) and research this report explores what the private sector needs in order to overcome constraints to its engagement and investment in building resilience.
This note explores the role of the private sector in adaptation and describes challenges to private sector adaptation. It summarizes how development agencies are providing support, e.g. through partnerships with private sector actors, facilitation of clean technology transfer and other measures. The note end with a short overview of the potential ways forward.
The report analyzes how companies perceive, assess and manage climate change risks. It considers whether companies are taking advantage of the business opportunities arising from climate change and assesses common trends and factors affecting private sector adaptation.
This studies analyses different aspects of private investments into climate change adaptation. Amongst other things, it identifies the adaptation needs of private sector actors and discusses the barriers that inhibit private adaptation finance flows. The study also describes what governments and public finance institutions can do to support private sector investments.
Documentation of the Workshop ‘Adaptation to climate change: putting knowledge into action’. 24-25 November 2011 in Durban, Republic of South Africa Author: GIZ (2012)
Documentation of the Training on ‘Understanding Climate Information & Managing Uncertainty’. 19-20 June 2012 in Pasig City, Local Government Academy, Republic of the Philippines, Author: GIZ (2012) Author: GIZ (2012)
International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI, 2012): Climate Services for Climate-Smart Development: A Preliminary Guide for Investment Author: International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI, 2012)