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Soil protection and rehabilitation (SPR) technologies often provide several advantages, including benefits for mitigation and adaptation, while supporting farmers' goals to boost and secure their yields. This guide and Excel-based tool provide a participatory method for identifying relevant climate risks and assessing how well SPR technologies address such risks along with their local feasibility.
This guideline offers insights and lessons learned on the preparation and implementation of climate risk communication approaches. It was developed by the Community of Practice Climate Risk to provide directions on the preparation and implementation of communication approaches and the dissemination of results to different users and target groups for the improved uptake of the results of climate risk and vulnerability assessments.
Coping with the consequences of climate change is one of the most complex challenges of Brazil. The port sector is among the sectors that can directly face the impacts from climate change -- specially because port infrastructure is highly exposed to climatic hazards. The report includes a climate risk assessment for 21 public ports with actionable policy recommendations. This Portfolio Screening is based on the PIEVC Protocol.
This policy brief introduces the benefits of aligning the approaches of agroecology and Ecosystem-based Adaptation for a (climate) resilient and nature-friendly transformation of agri-food systems. It presents five key messages, including the need for a systemic transformation, alliances for change, circular knowledge transfer, the creation of an enabling environment and local-responsive financial support.
The PIEVC Green Protocol describes a step-by-step methodology of risk assessment and optional engineering analysis for evaluating the risk of climate change on infrastructure, while considering the broader social and environmental systems within which the infrastructure component is situated. Information developed through the assessment process will assist owners, operators and other professionals, to effectively incorporate climate change adaptation into design, development and management of existing and planned infrastructure and its surrounding environment, including ecosystems.
This tool provides practitioners and project planners with concrete entry points for anchoring justice in EbA project planning. It gives guidance on strategic frameworks, formulating project objectives and measures and anchoring justice in the institutional and financial setup. It also explains key steps how to best involve stakeholders in setting up the M & E system. An online introduction to the Climate Justice Planning Tool is also available.
This guidance document provides an overview of the considerations and process for integrating justice issues into the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) interventions. It is primarily aimed at the practitioners and planners who design and implement EbA on the ground, offering them guidance on how to integrate justice aspects into M&E and especially into indicators. An online introduction to the Climate Justice M&E Tool is also available.
The IKI-funded and GIZ-implemented Global Project Mainstreaming EbA is launching the new collection of publications on "Climate justice in Ecosystem-based Adaptation”. In early 2022 the Global Project on Mainstreaming EbA together with FAKT Consult launched a process to assess and contribute to bridging the gap between theory and practice of justice-based EbA. The outcomes of this process have been used to develop a collection of publications which hold knowledge and can provide guidance to bridge the gap towards justice-based EbA on the ground.
The case of Honduras / La Mosquitia illustrates the importance of integrating justice issues into the project during the early stages of planning. It is especially important to integrate these issues into governance structures and processes in the project area, although project management needs to consider them as well. Entry points for anchoring justice issues strategically include the project concept, steering structure, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system and the staff concept. Integrating the various dimensions of justice – recognition justice, procedural justice and distributive justice – through these entry points is a key prerequisite for justice to be considered in project implementation.
The case of Vietnam / Soc Trang illustrates the importance of climate justice as a precondition for successfully and sustainably protecting mangrove forests. Mangrove forests protect the coast and people from storms and flooding. Additionally, the ecosystem provides other co-benefits, like the increase of income through fisheries by providing nursery grounds, food, shelter and habitat for a wide range of aquatic species. The case highlights how a justice-based implementation approach strengthened equal participation and benefits of a co-management approach, which actively promoted different dimensions of climate justice.
The definition of justice-based EbA builds on the recognition and implementation of human rights principles and procedures to ensure equitable, transparent and fair outcomes for all stakeholders. It includes three climate justice dimensions: Recognition Justice, Procedural Justice and Distributive Justice.
The technical summary presents a framework that highlights common elements in the adaptation and biodiversity planning process and provides insights into relevant case studies from different countries that illustrate key lessons learned and best practices. These could be applied or inspire the revision, formulation and implementation of the National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Processes (NBSAPs), to promote synergies and efficient resource allocation.
This Briefing provides an introduction to climate change adaptation, its relevance for impact investors and how the issue can be addressed in investment strategies. The focus lies on investment opportunities in SMEs and growth stage companies in developing countries and emerging markets. At the same time, much of the analytical framework is applicable to developed markets as well, for example how to identify adaptation-relevant business models.
This PIEVC High Level Screening Guide (HLSG) is based on standard climate risk assessment methods and is part of the PIEVC Family of Ressources. The PIEVC HLSG process is an approach for undertaking vulnerability, risk, and resilience assessments. It is flexible enough to be applied to full assets or systems, to a single element of infrastructure, or to an entire portfolio of numerous assets. PIEVC HLSG assessments result in the characterization and ranking of climate risk scenarios and the identification of those scenarios of highest priority for adaptation planning or more comprehensive analysis.