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Part of the PIEVC Family of Resources, this manual provides guidance for infrastructure owners on how to use vulnerability and risk assessment to inform priority setting and managing climate resilience of a large portfolio of assets. It defines portfolio as a collection of infrastructre assets that are characterized by different climate vulnerabilities and risks.
The PIEVC Catalogue is designed to help decision-makers navigate through the different considerations and options for assessing climate change risk and resiliency using the PIEVC Family of Resources. The catalogue guides the users through the objective-setting process and based on their objectives, helps them choose the optimum assessment paths and tools.
At the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity held in December 2022, the new Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) has been adopted. Based on these developments, the publication on synergies between adaptation, biodiversity and mitigation takes this new international reality into account. After some general considerations on the role of EbA in building bridges, the authors of the study apply this perspective to three cases (Pakistan, Jordan and Costa Rica), exploring synergies of ecosystem-based approaches in the water, agriculture and urban sectors.
L'étude se concentre sur l'évolution des tendances en matière de température et de précipitations, sur la disponibilité future de l'eau et sur l'aptitude du pays à cultiver des cultures dans différents scénarios d'émissions. Les projections de l'étude vont jusqu'en 2090, ce qui permet non seulement d'examiner les tendances à court terme (2030), mais aussi de prendre en compte les impacts du changement climatique à moyen (2050) et à long terme. En outre, l'étude entreprend une analyse coûts-bénéfices des actions d'adaptation sélectionnées, sur la base de laquelle des "business cases" pour l'adaptation peuvent être identifiés.
The study focuses on evolving trends for temperature and precipitation, future water availability and the country’s suitability to grow crops under different climate change scenarios. The study’s projections go up to 2090, offering opportunities not only to look into short-term trends (2030), but also to take into account medium (2050) and long-term climate change impacts. In addition, the study undertakes a cost-benefit analysis of selected adaptation actions on which basis “business cases” for adaptation can be identified.
L'étude se concentre sur l'évolution des tendances en matière de température et de précipitations, sur la disponibilité future de l'eau et sur l'aptitude du pays à cultiver des cultures dans différents scénarios d'émissions. Les projections de l'étude vont jusqu'en 2090, ce qui permet non seulement d'examiner les tendances à court terme (2030), mais aussi de prendre en compte les impacts du changement climatique à moyen (2050) et à long terme. En outre, l'étude entreprend une analyse coûts-bénéfices des actions d'adaptation sélectionnées, sur la base de laquelle des "business cases" pour l'adaptation peuvent être identifiés.
The Balik Probinsya program is a longterm program of the government intended for Metro Manila residents who want to return to their provinces “for good.” This paper is interested in determining the effects of this reverse migration on the rural areas and the loss of remittances from these returning migrants on the community of origin, especially any adaptation to climate change activities.
The study focuses on evolving trends for temperature and precipitation, future water availability and the country’s suitability to grow crops under different climate change scenarios. The study’s projections go up to 2090, offering opportunities not only to look into short-term trends (2030), but also to take into account medium (2050) and long-term climate change impacts. In addition, the study undertakes a cost-benefit analysis of selected adaptation actions on which basis “business cases” for adaptation can be identified.
Este informe tiene dos propósitos: ilustrar la importancia de integrar las cuestiones de género en las medidas AbE y brindar ejemplos reales de cómo se puede realizar esto en la práctica. Este informe está diseñado para quienes practican la AbE y quienes tienen la responsabilidad política sobre la adaptación, incluidas las personas encargadas de tomar decisiones del gobierno y el personal de soporte técnico, las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, las empresas del sector privado y las instituciones de investigación.
This series of papers compiles arguments, facts and examples on the evidence of the effectiveness of EbA in the form of short, easy to read briefs. Looking first at why EbA pays off in general, then at EbA in the water sector, in agriculture and in cities, it showcases why EbA offers cost-efficient solutions for adaption to climate change while also providing additional benefits for people and nature. Each of the four briefs can also be used as a stand-alone document e.g. when discussing adaptation options with planners and decision makers in water management, land use or urban planning.
Many regions in the Philippines are at risk of slow onset processes, such as sea level rise, land degradation and desertification, changes in rainfall and drought. The IMPACT project undertook a study of perceptions of slow onset climatic risks and migration in the Philippines, and the causality and impact both in the destination and origin areas. By following a people-centered research approach, the study is based on Key Expert Interviews, Participatory Rural Appraisals and Individual and Collective Storytelling Interviews, which have been conducted across the three major island groups of the Philippines (Mindanao, Visayas and Luzon). The collected data have been evaluated regarding internal and international migration patterns, as well as, for each of the considered areas, perceptions of environmental change, adaptation strategies and constraints, and aspects related to gender, wellbeing, and social cohesion in context of migration. The IMPACT study is closed by providing recommendations for adaptation and disaster risks, positive migration effects, and negative migration effects that can feed into policymaking.
This publication intends to inspire policy- and decision-makers as well as practitioners by showcasing a selection of solutions that have been applied in very different settings and focusing on key aspects and themes that are important for the longevity of EbA. It shows that EbA has ‘many faces’: it is being implemented successfully in a broad range of countries and ecosystems and it is driven forward by all kinds of people and organisations.
The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) is a non-binding agreement comprising comprehensive commitments for governing international migration under the obligations and principles of international law. To support an effective implementation process, this report reviews existing policies and legal instruments on regional and national level governing migration in the context of disasters, climate change and environmental degradation.
The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) includes commitments addressing migration induced by disasters, the adverse effects of climate change and environmental degradation. Goals 2, 5, 21 and 23 of the GCM are of particular relevance within this context. To be effective, adequate incorporation of the commitments in national and regional policies and legislation is needed. The GCM lacks a comprehensive monitoring and reporting framework to track and evaluate the implementation process. Therefore, the Global Compact for Migration Baseline Analysis Report reviews existing policies and legal instruments on regional and national level governing migration in the context of disasters, climate change and environmental degradation. This fact sheet summarizes ten key insights derived from the report.
Cette évaluation décrit sept facteurs d’impact climatique importants pour la Tunisie, avec un accent particulier sur les gouvernorats de Béja, Jendouba, Kairouan, Kasserine, Kef, Sidi Bouzid et Siliana. Elle montre comment les facteurs d’impact climatique devraient changer selon deux trajectoires de changement climatique à l’avenir (2030, 2050 et 2080).
Cette évaluation décrit sept facteurs d’impact climatique importants pour le Burkina Faso, avec un accent particulier sur les provinces du Houet et du Tuy dans la région des Hauts-Bassins. Elle montre comment les facteurs d’impact climatique devraient changer selon deux trajectoires de changement climatique à l’avenir (2030, 2050 et 2080).
Cette évaluation décrit sept facteurs d’impact climatique importants pour le Bénin, avec un accent particulier sur les régions d’Alibori, de Bourgou, des Collines et du Zou. Elle montre comment les facteurs d’impact climatique devraient changer selon deux trajectoires de changement climatique à l’avenir (2030, 2050 et 2080).
This assessment describes seven important climatic impact drivers for India, with a special focus on the districts Ahmadnagar, Amravati, Dhule, Jalna and Yavatmal in the state of Maharashtra and Mandla and Balaghat in the state of Madhya Pradesh. It shows how the climatic impact drivers are projected to change under two climate change trajectories in the future (2030, 2050 and 2080).
This assessment describes seven important climatic impact drivers for Kenya, with a special focus on the counties Bungoma, Kakamega and Siaya. It shows how the climatic impact drivers are projected to change under two climate change trajectories in the future (2030, 2050 and 2080).
This assessment describes seven important climatic impact drivers for Ethiopia, with a special focus on the regions Afar; Amhara; Oromia; Southern Nations, Nationalities, And Peoples´ Region (SNNP) and Tigray. It shows how the climatic impact drivers are projected to change under two climate change trajectories in the future (2030, 2050 and 2080).