Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Agri-Food Systems: A Compendium of Analytic Tools for Practitioners

The Compendium provides an overview of the most relevant tools that can be applied to integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation into development projects. It categorizes these tools by level and complexity of application, methodology and target group and prepares the tools for a more convenient application by practitioners. The tools enable entry points for agroecological transformation and identify site-appropriate agroecological practices.

The interactive Product Landscape complements the Compendium and gives a visual overview of and easy access to the tools as well as additional relevant documents.

Biodiversity in global agricultural supply chains

Biodiversity is a fundamental element of people’s livelihoods – and it is declining at a rapid pace worldwide with climate change being one of the main causes.
The paper elaborates how designing global agricultural supply chains in a biodiversity-sensitive way can be a key lever for tackling the biodiversity crisis.

Climate Resilient Jobs Perspectives Through Agroecology

The factsheet illustrates the intersection of agroecology and rural employment. It explores how agroecology fosters climate change adaptation through biodiversity alongside employment promotion. Three dimensions are examined in particular: job creation, sustainable business opportunities and education.

Catalysing Finance and Insurance for Nature-based Solutions

Nature-based solutions can be an effective way to address environmental and social challenges, including adaptation to climate change and nature-related financial risks faced by economies around the globe. Although private sector engagement has picked up, nature-based solutions remain severely underfunded.

Agroecology: Making Ecosystem-based Adaptation Work in Agricultural Landscapes

This report suggests to link Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) with agroecological approaches to transform our agri-food systems in a climate resilient and nature-friendly way. It outlines three case studies applying the approach in India, Kenya, and Guatemala, providing practical steps to merge agroecology and EbA to adapt agricultural landscapes to climate change.

Analyses des effets socio-économiques et environnementaux des pratiques agroécologiques – guide méthodologique

L’absence de l’évidence scientifique des avantages économiques et des effets environnementaux positifs de l’agroécologie est un problème majeur qui empêche sa mise en œuvre à grande échelle. Cette publication vise à fournir des orientations méthodologiques afin de permettre une meilleure prise de décision fondée sur des données solides. Elle s’adresse à la fois aux responsables de la mise en œuvre des projets et aux chercheurs dans le processus de préparation et de choix d’analyses scientifiques (socio-économiques et environnementales) adaptées au contexte et liés à l’agroécologie.

Analyses of socio-economic and environmental effects of agroecological practices – a methodological guidance

Missing scientific evidence for positive economic benefits and environmental effects of agroecology is a major problem hindering its large-scale implementation. To allow for better evidence-based decision making, this publication provides the methodological guidance. It addresses both project implementers and researchers who are in the process of preparing and choosing context-adapted socio-economic analyses and ecosystem services valuations related to agroecology. In this way, it is intended to support future economic studies conducted within agricultural and rural development programmes.

Agroecology – Selected Resources

Agroecology is widely discussed in international development cooperation. The selected resources give an overview of the conceptual and political framework as well as knowledge sharing platforms on agoreocology, its implementation and latest discussions on cross-cutting issues.

En quoi l’agroécologie peut-elle contribuer à l’adaptation au changement climatique et la sécurité alimentaire ?

Des approches systémiques telles que l’agroécologie sont nécessaires pour une transformation durable des systèmes alimentaires et une amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire, tout en favorisant l’adaptation au changement climatique. Cette note s’appuie sur des évaluations participatives des pratiques agroécologiques de la gestion durable des terres dans 7 pays. Elle montre comment ces pratiques peuvent contribuer à des stratégies d’adaptation efficaces et fournit des recommandations sur l’intégration des aspects d’adaptation dans les interventions concernant la santé des sols.