Assessment of Climate Risk & Adaptation Measures for Port of Rio Grande, Brazil

This report is a climate risk assessment based on the PIEVC Portfolio Assessment Guide for the Port of Rio Grande in Brazil.
Assessment of Climate Risk & Adaptation Measures for Port of Aratu, Brazil

This report is a climate risk assessment based on the PIEVC Portfolio Assessment Guide for the Port of Aratu in Brazil.
Assessment of Climate Risk & Adaptation Measures for Port of Santos, Brazil

This report is a climate risk assessment based on the PIEVC Portfolio Assessment Guide for the Port of Santos in Brazil.
Brazil: Broad Scale Risk Assessments of Critical Infrastructure

Based on the PIEVC protocol, this study provides an overview of climates risks to critical infrastructure in Brazil.
Climate Risk Assessment of Port Itajai, Santa Carolina, Brazil

This report summarizes a climate risk assessment of Brazil’s Itajai Port, located in the province Santa Carolina.
Climate Risk Analysis of Transmission Lines In Santa Catarina, Brazil

The Effects of Climate Change on Transmission Lines of Eletrosul in Santa Catarina: This report is the report of a Climate Risk Analysis of the infrastructure of transmission lines in Brazil’s region Santa Catarina.
Portfolio Screening: Impacts and Risks of Climate Change to Brazilian Coastal Public Ports – Executive Summary

Coping with the consequences of climate change is one of the most complex challenges of Brazil.
The port sector is among the sectors that can directly face the impacts from climate change — specially
because port infrastructure is highly exposed to climatic hazards. The report includes a climate risk assessment for 21 public ports with actionable policy recommendations. This Portfolio Screening is based on the PIEVC Protocol.
PIEVC Green Protocol — Integrating Ecosystem-based Adaptation into Infrastructure Climate Risk Assessments

The PIEVC Green Protocol describes a step-by-step methodology of risk assessment and optional engineering analysis for evaluating the risk of climate change on infrastructure, while considering the broader social and environmental systems within which the infrastructure component is situated. Information developed through the assessment process will assist owners, operators and other professionals, to effectively incorporate climate change adaptation into design, development and management of existing and planned infrastructure and its surrounding environment, including ecosystems.
PIEVC High Level Screening Guide: A guide to completing screening level climate change risk assessments using the PIEVC Process

This PIEVC High Level Screening Guide (HLSG) is based on standard climate risk assessment
methods and is part of the PIEVC Family of Ressources. The PIEVC HLSG process is an approach
for undertaking vulnerability, risk, and resilience assessments. It is flexible enough to be applied to full assets or systems, to a single element of infrastructure, or to an entire portfolio of numerous assets.
PIEVC HLSG assessments result in the characterization and ranking of climate risk scenarios and the identification of those scenarios of highest priority for adaptation planning or more comprehensive
PIEVC Large Portfolio Assessment Manual — A Guide for Prioritizing a Large Portfolio based on Climate Vulnerability

Part of the PIEVC Family of Resources, this manual provides guidance for infrastructure owners on how to use vulnerability and risk assessment to inform priority setting and managing climate resilience of a large portfolio of assets. It defines portfolio as a collection of infrastructre assets that are characterized by different climate vulnerabilities and risks.