Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change are also Gender Issues

Stories of 13 Women Fighting the Effects of Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss in Latin America

The adverse effects of climate change continue to disproportionately affect women. However, amidst this crisis, there are countless inspirational stories of women committed to safeguarding biodiversity and advocating for a resilient and sustainable future.

In this series we explore thirteen stories of women across Latin America, from Mexico to Bolivia, who are asserting their rights and taking on leadership roles in ecosystem based adaptation within their local communities.

La adaptación al cambio climático en el sector financiero

El documento “Adaptación al cambio climático en el sector financiero” explica como la integración de medidas de adaptación al cambio climático en productos financieros y de seguros tiene sentido desde un punto de vista económico.

Evidencias de la integración del enfoque “Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas” -AbE en productos financieros y de seguros comerciales

En el sector financiero formal y de crédito existen casos que demuestran el potencial de desarrollar soluciones de crédito y seguros para un segmento específico que desea incorporar la Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas (AbE) en sus estrategias de reducción de riesgo y sostenibilidad del negocio empresarial, donde se muestra que las inversiones en la AbE pueden ser una opción ganar-ganar.

IISD Technical Brief: Mobilizing Knowledge on Gender, Equity, and Justice in Climate Change Adaptation

In an effort to increase the uptake of gender-responsive and socially inclusive approaches, IISD has systematically reviewed the IPCC WG II report and summarized the key messages on gender, equity, and justice. This technical brief unpacks the key messages with illustrative examples and a companion comic: A Story of Gender, Equity, and Justice in Climate Change Adaptation. The brief can be used on its own or with the comic to better understand and communicate this essential knowledge toward more just and effective approach to climate change.

IISD Comic: A Story of Gender, Equity, and Justice in Climate Change Adaptation

In an effort to increase the uptake of gender-responsive and socially inclusive approaches, IISD has systematically reviewed the IPCC WG II report and summarized the key messages on gender, equity, and justice in a technical brief. This comic accompanies the technical brief to better understand and communicate this essential knowledge toward more just and effective approach to climate change.

Report on Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Nature-based Insurance Solutions in the Philippines and Asia

This study aims to explore how Ecosystem-Based Adaptation (EbA) and Nature-Based Insurance Solutions (NbIS)
can effectively mitigate the impacts of climate-related hazards in the Philippines and in the region. It delves into
understanding the policy landscape, examining market practices through case studies, identifying challenges in
the sector, and proposing steps to scale EbA and NbIS solutions in the country.