La justicia climática en una adaptación basada en ecosistemas: El caso de la zona costera de Soc Trang, Vietnam

El caso de Vietnam / Soc Trang ilustra la importancia de la justicia climática como condición previa para proteger con éxito y de forma sostenible los manglares. Los manglares protegen la costa y a la población de tormentas e inundaciones. Además, el ecosistema proporciona otros beneficios colaterales, como el aumento de los ingresos a través de la pesca, al proporcionar zonas de cría, alimento, refugio y hábitat para una amplia gama de especies acuáticas. El caso pone de relieve cómo un enfoque de aplicación basado en la justicia reforzó la participación igualitaria y los beneficios de un enfoque de cogestión, que promovió activamente diferentes dimensiones de la justicia climática.

Launch Event: Climate Justice in Ecosystem-based Adaptation – The new Publication Collection

The IKI-funded and GIZ-implemented Global Project Mainstreaming EbA hosted an online launch event for the new collection of publications on ‘Climate justice in Ecosystem-based Adaptation’. In early 2022 the Global Project on Mainstreaming EbA together with FAKT Consult launched a process to assess and contribute to bridging the gap between theory and practice of justice-based EbA.

Launch Event: Synergies Between Biodiversity and Climate Policy Frameworks

This online launch event of six thematic papers on ‘Synergies Between Biodiversity and Climate Policy Frameworks’ includes presentations of the thematic paper series’ key findings from a policy, science and implementation perspective. The series is published as a package and provides an overview, a sound scientific basis, as well as inspirational examples and case studies of synergies between biodiversity and climate change commitments.

Webinar: Pathways to Climate Resilient Development Through Rights-Based EbA

This online breakout session on ‘Pathways to Climate Resilient Development Through Rights-Based EbA’ was recorded November 24th, 2022, as part of the 7th international EbA Community of Practice Workshop. In the workshop, the BMU-IKI funded and GIZ-implemented Global Project Mainstreaming EbA welcomed a group of 60 EbA practitioners.

7th international EbA Community of Practice Workshop – presentations and recordings

In November 2022, the BMU-IKI funded and GIZ-implemented Global Project Mainstreaming EbA welcomed a group of 60 Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) practitioners to the 7th international EbA Community of Practice Workshop. This document contains links to all presentations, recordings, as well as additional resources such as a photo collection, an updated publication overview and the new EbA project movie.

Five Key Messages on How to Implement Agroecology as a Systemic Adaptation Response

This policy brief introduces the benefits of aligning the approaches of agroecology and Ecosystem-based Adaptation for a (climate) resilient and nature-friendly transformation of agri-food systems. It presents five key messages, including the need for a systemic transformation, alliances for change, circular knowledge transfer, the creation of an enabling environment and local-responsive financial support.

PIEVC Green Protocol — Integrating Ecosystem-based Adaptation into Infrastructure Climate Risk Assessments

The PIEVC Green Protocol describes a step-by-step methodology of risk assessment and optional engineering analysis for evaluating the risk of climate change on infrastructure, while considering the broader social and environmental systems within which the infrastructure component is situated. Information developed through the assessment process will assist owners, operators and other professionals, to effectively incorporate climate change adaptation into design, development and management of existing and planned infrastructure and its surrounding environment, including ecosystems.

Climate Justice in Ecosystem-based Adaptation – A Policy Paper

This publication gives an overview of justice challenges in EbA and outlines the international context. It highlights entry points for enhancing justice based EbA in project planning and implementation, the international climate and biodiversity finance system as well as in the national context.

Guidance on Integrating Justice Issues into the Planning of Ecosystem-based Adaptation Interventions

This tool provides practitioners and project planners with concrete entry points for anchoring justice in EbA project planning. It gives guidance on strategic frameworks, formulating project objectives and measures and anchoring justice in the institutional and financial setup. It also explains key steps how to best involve stakeholders in setting up the M & E system. An online introduction to the Climate Justice Planning Tool is also available.