Overview and Format
- Customizable training package which can be implemented in an online or in-person format.
- Target group: Small and medium-sized enterprises seeking to enhance the gender inclusiveness of their business and products/services.
- The training will be implemented in summer 2024 as part of the PrivABoo Practitioners’ Lab.
Key take-aways
- What it means to apply a gender lens as a company and why it’s especially important for companies active in the climate change adaptation space.
- How a gender lens can help you better serve your target group and tailor your product and marketing strategy.
- How you can create a conducive environment for fostering talent within your enterprise.
- How to meet investors’ gender- and inclusion-related criteria.
- How to leverage a Gender Gap Analysis and Gender Action Plan to achieve your objectives.
- Gender 101: Understand the relevance and importance of applying a gender lens in business operations, especially in climate change adaptation.
- Gender, diversity and equity in the workplace: Explore different ways to foster equity within your workplace. Conduct a self-assessment using the Gender Gap Analysis tool to identify areas for improvement.
- Gender-sensitive adaptation products & services: Explore how making products/services more gender-sensitive can not only increase your company’s revenue, but also the impact of your work. Deep dive to better understand female customers.
- Gender & diversity in the value chain: Understand how you can leverage your position in order to improve livelihoods and contribute to gender equality along your value chain.
For more information or any further questions, please contact lisa.scholz@giz.de or syed.mustafa@giz.de
The Private Adaptation Investment Bootcamp (PrivABoo)
The training module has been developed as part of the Private Adaptation Investment Bootcamp (PrivABoo). PrivABoo is a peer-learning approach targeting practitioners (entrepreneurs, start-ups, companies, investors, accelerators, enterprise support organizations, …) at various stages of climate change adaptation investments and finance, mixing & matching different learning formats (networking, dialogue, training and individual advisory services), with the aim to equip small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and impact investors with tools, information, and skills to scale up SMEs with business models in the field of climate change adaptation & resilience, build a network that enables knowledge sharing, business creation and acceleration, and innovation partnerships, and develop a scalable approach to promote private adaptation finance and investments.
PrivABoo is a product of the project Private Adaptation Finance (part of the global GIZ climate project NDC Assist II) which is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development until the end of 2024.