Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change are also Gender Issues

Stories of 13 Women Fighting the Effects of Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss in Latin America
The adverse effects of climate change continue to disproportionately affect women. However, amidst this crisis, there are countless inspirational stories of women committed to safeguarding biodiversity and advocating for a resilient and sustainable future.
In this series we explore thirteen stories of women across Latin America, from Mexico to Bolivia, who are asserting their rights and taking on leadership roles in ecosystem based adaptation within their local communities.
La pérdida de biodiversidad y el cambio climático también son una cuestión de género

Historias de 13 mujeres que luchan contra los efectos del cambio climático y la pérdida de biodiversidad en América Latina
En esta serie exploramos trece historias de mujeres de América Latina, desde México hasta Bolivia, que ejercen sus derechos y actúan desde un rol de liderazgo en acciones de adaptación basada en ecosistemas a nivel local.
La adaptación al cambio climático en el sector financiero

El documento “Adaptación al cambio climático en el sector financiero” explica como la integración de medidas de adaptación al cambio climático en productos financieros y de seguros tiene sentido desde un punto de vista económico.
Thematic Paper 1: Linkages and Synergies Between International Instruments on Biodiversity and Climate Change (updated 09/24)

Thematic Paper 1 explores linkages and synergies between international instruments on biodiversity and climate change under the CBD and the UNFCCC.
Synergies Between Biodiversity and Climate Policy Frameworks – A Series of Thematic Papers (updated 09/24)

The Summary Paper contains key messages on legal, policy and science aspects and their implementation, covering Nature-based Solutions (NbS), governance, multilevel cooperation and finance.
Position Paper on Agroecology

This position paper reflects on the potential of agroecology for a sustainable transformation of agricultural and food systems. It elaborates on five positions, provides a set of recommendations on actions and gives an overview of useful tools and trainings as well as guidelines.
Biodiversity in global agricultural supply chains

Biodiversity is a fundamental element of people’s livelihoods – and it is declining at a rapid pace worldwide with climate change being one of the main causes.
The paper elaborates how designing global agricultural supply chains in a biodiversity-sensitive way can be a key lever for tackling the biodiversity crisis.
Strengthening Climate Risk Management in Fair Trade value chains

Adverse weather and climate variability are impacting the agriculture production in all regions of the world. The effects are felt especially hard by small-scale agricultural producers. Currently around 2.9 million small-scale producers and workers in over 75 countries participate in Fair Trade schemes.
Catalysing Finance and Insurance for Nature-based Solutions

Nature-based solutions can be an effective way to address environmental and social challenges, including adaptation to climate change and nature-related financial risks faced by economies around the globe. Although private sector engagement has picked up, nature-based solutions remain severely underfunded.
Agroecology: Making Ecosystem-based Adaptation Work in Agricultural Landscapes

This report suggests to link Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) with agroecological approaches to transform our agri-food systems in a climate resilient and nature-friendly way. It outlines three case studies applying the approach in India, Kenya, and Guatemala, providing practical steps to merge agroecology and EbA to adapt agricultural landscapes to climate change.