Climate change threatens ecosystems as well as their services and endangers human development worldwide. The ultimate goal of mainstreaming ecosystem-based approaches is establishing EbA (and Eco-DRR) as standard development practice in order to avoid and manage current and future climate risk. This means “doing things differently in the face of climate change”: It requires integrating climate change adaptation and risk reduction into development decisions at all levels and in all areas at risk in order to contribute to resilient and sustainable development.
Based on its operational experience worldwide in promoting (ecosystem-based) adaptation, GIZ’s framework for mainstreaming EbA employs an iterative six-step approach (known as the adaptation mainstreaming cycle (GIZ 2019, adapted from CBD 2019). It includes the elements of mainstreaming and provides tools and methods that can be utilized at each step. This guidance is in line with the Voluntary guidelines for the design and effective implementation of ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction upon request by the CBD Conference of the Parties (COP), in its decision XIII/4, to which GIZ contributed.
By clicking on the graphic below you will be directed to the respective steps of the cycle.
The project ‘Ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation: Strengthening the evidence and informing policy’, implemented by IIED, IUCN, WCMC, developed an inventory of existing tools, approaches and methodologies for EbA with the assistance of GIZ to help potential users in finding the right approach for their purpose. Covering more than 200 entries, this inventory suggests that accessibility and awareness of tools may be the bigger need among EbA planners and practitioners, rather than a lack of such tools. The inventory has been turned into a searchable navigator that can be accessed here.