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Cette évaluation décrit sept facteurs d’impact climatique importants pour le Bénin, avec un accent particulier sur les régions d’Alibori, de Bourgou, des Collines et du Zou. Elle montre comment les facteurs d’impact climatique devraient changer selon deux trajectoires de changement climatique à l’avenir (2030, 2050 et 2080).
This assessment describes seven important climatic impact drivers for India, with a special focus on the districts Ahmadnagar, Amravati, Dhule, Jalna and Yavatmal in the state of Maharashtra and Mandla and Balaghat in the state of Madhya Pradesh. It shows how the climatic impact drivers are projected to change under two climate change trajectories in the future (2030, 2050 and 2080).
This assessment describes seven important climatic impact drivers for Kenya, with a special focus on the counties Bungoma, Kakamega and Siaya. It shows how the climatic impact drivers are projected to change under two climate change trajectories in the future (2030, 2050 and 2080).
This assessment describes seven important climatic impact drivers for Ethiopia, with a special focus on the regions Afar; Amhara; Oromia; Southern Nations, Nationalities, And Peoples´ Region (SNNP) and Tigray. It shows how the climatic impact drivers are projected to change under two climate change trajectories in the future (2030, 2050 and 2080).
Based on a database that also builds the foundation of the search engine CRAMSE, this study aims to increase the understanding of recent innovations, and of remaining methodological challenges to future innovation in climate risk assessments. Six dimensions relevant to the challenges of CRAs in the context of climate-related losses and damages are evaluated in detail, ideally benefiting decision makers’ selection of suitable methods and practitioners’ efforts to further develop future methods and approaches.
Building on existing literature, investigations, and available project information, this reflection paper attempts a better understanding of how a comprehensive CRM can positively contribute to specific SDGs, adding value to ongoing discussions by examining both existing and potential synergies between CRM measures and the SDGs. Multiple synergies between CRM and the SDGs are identified; while CRM aims at fostering a holistic understanding and consideration of past and future climate change impacts in all affected sectors as well as needs and opportunities to manage possible losses and damages, sustainable development itself contributes to strengthened climate resilience.
The effects of climate change and increasing extreme weather events on the oceans are key challenges for small-scale fisheries. This factsheet highlights some of the economic as well as non-economic losses and damages associated with these effects for the region of the South Pacific . It summarises findings from a global study which aims at developing a better understanding of the impacts of climate change on small-scale fisheries to identify suitable risk-management-solutions, and to show entry points for climate risk management (CRM) in order to enhance resilience.
The effects of climate change and increasing extreme weather events on the oceans are key challenges for small-scale fisheries. This factsheet highlights some of the economic as well as non-economic losses and damages associated with these effects for the region of West Africa. It summarises findings from a global study which aims at developing a better understanding of the impacts of climate change on small-scale fisheries to identify suitable risk-management-solutions, and to show entry points for climate risk management (CRM) in order to enhance resilience.
The effects of climate change and increasing extreme weather events on the oceans are key challenges for small-scale fisheries. This factsheet highlights some of the economic as well as non-economic losses and damages associated with these effects for the region of the Caribbean. It summarises findings from a global study which aims at developing a better understanding of the impacts of climate change on small-scale fisheries to identify suitable risk-management-solutions, and to show entry points for climate risk management (CRM) in order to enhance resilience.
This factsheet summarises the findings of the study. The Caribbean is extensively exposed to disasters caused by natural events. Especially, increasing tropical cyclone intensities pose a key coastal and ocean climate change risk. This study offers insights into coastal risks in the Caribbean and identifies trends of adaptation options and their effectiveness to reduce economic damages. With the approach designed in this study, it could be shown that trends of averted (economic) damages can be calculated with CLIMADA, supporting the selection processes of an effective mix of measures for climate risk management.
The study region of the Caribbean is extensively exposed to disasters caused by natural events. Especially, increasing tropical cyclone intensities pose a key coastal and ocean risk to Caribbean LDCs and SIDS. This study offers insights into coastal risks in the Caribbean and identifies trends of adaptation options and their effectiveness to reduce economic damages. With the approach designed in this study, it could be shown that trends of averted (economic) damages can be calculated with CLIMADA, supporting the selection processes of an effective mix of measures for climate risk management.
While extreme weather events (EWE) have been given due prominence in risk management, slow-onset processes (SOP) such as sea level rise or desertification have so far been less well considered. This working paper lays out definitions, key challenges, and opportunities for understanding risk and generating resilience to SOP. It describes a Climate Risk Management framework developed for this purpose, and sets out key areas for collaboration across research and develop¬ment cooperation.
This concept paper introduces and explains the GP L&D’s Climate Risk Management (CRM) framework to avert, minimise, and address climate-related losses and damages in the most comprehensive way. It provides detailed information on the different steps of CRM, from risk assessment to the identification of a context-specific, complementary mix of measures as well as monitoring and evaluation and continuous learning.
El marco de GRC del GP L&D es un enfoque iterativo basado en riesgos, dirigido a gestionar los riesgos climáticos considerando aspectos sociales, económicos, no económicos, institucionales, biofísicos y medioambientales. Este enfoque entiende las medidas de mitigación, adaptación al cambio climático y reducción del riesgo de desastres, así como la financiación y los seguros de riesgos, como partes complementarias de la misma caja de herramientas. A fin de obtener la combinación de medidas más inteligente posible para una situación dada, se enlazan de manera exhaustiva e integrada medidas avaladas en la práctica con instrumentos innovadores y enfoques transformadores. 
Le cadre de GRC du PM P&P (voir Figure 1) est une approche itérative, fondée sur le risque, de gestion des risques liés au climat, qui tient compte des aspects sociaux, économiques, non économiques, institutionnels, biophysiques et environnementaux. Il considère les mesures liées à l’atténuation, à l’adaptation au changement climatique, à la réduction des risques de catastrophes, au financement des risques et à l’assurance risques comme des éléments complémentaires d’une même boîte à outils. Afin de disposer de l’ensemble le plus efficace de mesures pour une situation donnée, il associe des mesures éprouvées à des instruments innovants et des approches transformationnelles, de manière globale et intégrée. 
This factsheet summarises the findings of our study of the same name and gives a brief overview on the GP L&D’s CRM framework. Our CRM framework is a risk-based, iterative approach to managing climate-related risks, taking into consideration social, economic, non-economic, institutional, biophysical and environmental aspects. It understands measures related to mitigation, climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and risk finance and insurance as complementary parts of the same toolbox. In order to attain the smartest mix of measures for a given situation, it links tried-and-tested measures with innovative instruments and transformational approaches in a comprehensive and integrated way. 
This factsheet provides you with important background information about the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts (WIM), its five-year rolling workplan and expert groups as well as its significance for (German) development cooperation and exemplary measures for dealing with climate-induced losses and damages.   
The study focuses on evolving trends for temperature and precipitation, future water availability and the suitability to grow crops in three Ghanaian districts in the Upper West Region: Lawra, Sissala East and Wa West. Climate change is already affecting the agricultural sector in northern Ghana and its impacts will continue to increase in the future. This puts livelihoods and economic growth at risk and shows the urgent need for effective adaptation strategies. The aim of the study is to provide a comprehensive climate risk analysis that can guide adaptation planning at the district level.
With a particular focus on the role of development cooperation, impacts of climate change on the ocean and coastal zones were discussed during the expert dialogue ‘The ocean in a changing climate: Rapidly growing risk of loss and damage?’ hosted by GIZ Global Programme on Risk Assessment and Manage­ment for Adaptation to Climate Change (Loss & Damage) in January 2021. Key insights from the event are presented in this report.
The 6-step climate risk assessment (CRA) methodology provides practitioners and decision-makers with a guidance on how to assess climate-related risks and how to translate the assessment into measures. Main characteristics of the methodology include the participation of all stakeholders, the assessment of hazards along the entire spectrum from slow onset processes to extreme weather events, the consideration of non-economic losses and damages as well as the focus on risk tolerance levels. It aims at identifying a smart mix of climate risk management measures, combining proven instruments from climate change adaptation and disaster risk management with innovative instruments to address residual risks which cannot be averted. As such, CRA can support evidence-based and risk-informed decision making and planning in the context of climate change.
Accompanying the expert conference “Building Climate Resilience – How can comprehensive climate risk management avert, minimise and address losses and damages?” that was held in Lao PDR in late November 2019, the GP Risk Assessment and Management initiated tree planting activities at four local schools in rural Lao PDR that are implemented under the Village Forest Management Component of the CliPAD programme.
Bien que les effets du changement climatique sur la propagation des maladies à transmission vectorielle, hydrique et infectieuse soient bien établis ailleurs, le Togo ne disposait pas encore d’une évaluation concluante de sa vulnérabilité. En 2019, le ministère de la Santé et de l’Hygiène publique, avec le soutien du projet ProSanté de la GIZ, a analysé les impacts des risques climatiques sur le risque de paludisme, de méningite et d’infections respiratoires.
Bien que les effets du changement climatique sur la propagation des maladies à transmission vectorielle, hydrique et infectieuse soient bien établis ailleurs, le Togo ne disposait pas encore d'une évaluation concluante de sa vulnérabilité. En 2019, le ministère de la Santé et de l'Hygiène publique, avec le soutien du projet ProSanté de la GIZ, a analysé les impacts des risques climatiques sur le risque de paludisme, de méningite et d'infections respiratoires.