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The technical summary presents a framework that highlights common elements in the adaptation and biodiversity planning process and provides insights into relevant case studies from different countries that illustrate key lessons learned and best practices. These could be applied or inspire the revision, formulation and implementation of the National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Processes (NBSAPs), to promote synergies and efficient resource allocation.
At the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity held in December 2022, the new Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) has been adopted. Based on these developments, the publication on synergies between adaptation, biodiversity and mitigation takes this new international reality into account. After some general considerations on the role of EbA in building bridges, the authors of the study apply this perspective to three cases (Pakistan, Jordan and Costa Rica), exploring synergies of ecosystem-based approaches in the water, agriculture and urban sectors.
Sustainable development, climate change adaptation, and mitigation are inextricably interconnected, with potential for conflicts and trade-offs, as well as synergies and co-benefits. This policy brief aims to build on a series of recent peer learning events focused on addressing climate change through integrated responses by linking adaptation and mitigation at the planning and implementation stages.
This report explores challenges and action areas for advancing green fiscal policies – in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond. It assesses the fiscal response to the pandemic and looks at examples and practical steps for (1) reforming fiscal rules (2) establishing green public financial management, (3) introducing carbon pricing, and (4) developing capacities and networks to integrate recovery efforts across fiscal and environmental spheres. 
This report from the publication series 'Green Recovery for Practitioners' presents a compilation of 23 examples that show how communities, cities and countries have implemented the idea of a green recovery. Covering a wide range of sectors, entry levels and approaches, it draws upon measures and instruments that have been deployed in more than 20 countries, particularly in developing and emerging economies. Each example reflects on the actors involved, the progress made and the lessons learned so far.
La relance verte est un terme largement utilisé pour désigner les trains de mesures visant à pallier les conséquences sociales, économiques et politiques de la crise de COVID-19 d’une manière qui ouvre la voie à des réformes structurelles à long terme et à un changement de cap vers la durabilité, la protection de la biodiversité, la résilien¬ce et la neutralité climatique. Elle peut être réalisée par le biais de diverses institutions et approches juridiques et politiques, notamment en s’appuyant sur les outils existants mis au point dans le cadre des approches établies de l’économie verte.
The following guidance note presents “why” and “how” the NAP process can be utilized as a key mechanism and driver to mainstream and upscale EbA. It is based on a recent analysis of 19 completed NAP documents that reviewed the inclusion of ecosystems and uptake of EbA measures. The document builds on the lessons learned from the review and identifies guiding principles and actions accordingly. It also presents an overview of ecosystems, ecosystem services and their role in adaptation, and how managing their transformation under a changing climate can contribute to reducing climate risks and impacts for both people and ecosystems. Furthermore, it focuses on guiding principles and recommended actions along the steps of the NAP process to integrate and enhance EbA.
National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes present a strategic opportunity to raise the profile of EbA approaches, providing a framework—and, potentially, financial resources—for implementation at scale. Based on this , the NAP Global Network undertook a review of 19 NAP documents to better understand the extent to which EbA, as a tool for adaptation, has been taken up in NAP processes. This analysis highlights the extent of integration and identification of ecosystems and EbA into National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), trends in how EbA was incorporated, and opportunities to strengthen the profile and quality of EbA.
This Adaptation Briefing presents a compilation of selected knowledge products that have been funded by the GIZ “Support Project for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement (SPA)”. The SPA project strengthens several global initiatives and networks co-founded or financially supported by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) that enhance partner countries’ capacities to successfully implement their climate policies, reduce greenhouse gases, increase their adaptive capacities as well as communicate this transparently.
For the transition into a carbon-neutral economy Costa Rica launched in July 2018 an ambitious NAP towards a resilient and decarbonized development with a transformative vision. The fact that 34% of the hydrometeorological losses were related to the infrastructure sector, shed a light on the vulnerability to climate extreme events of this sector. Hence, climate risk management (CRM) for infrastructure has been mainstreamed into the NAP throughout two complementary axes.
Le processus d’élaboration des Notes Conceptuelles des idées de projet d’adaptation a été initié dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre de la composante 3 (Facilitation de l’accès au financement) du Projet d’Appui Scientifique aux processus de Plans Nationaux d’Adaptation (PAS-PNA). Les idées de projet ont été identifiées au Bénin suite à un concours d’idées organisé dans le cadre du partenariat avec le Fonds National pour l’Environnement et le Climat (FNEC). A l’issue dudit concours, deux idées de projet ont été retenues, à savoir un projet dans le secteur de l’agriculture et un second dans le secteur de la santé.
This research review investigates and stimulates discussion on the technical and political economy issues with long-term mitigation and adaptation planning. It looks at the potential linkages between mitigation and adaptation in national and sector policy and planning and identifies priority areas for integration.
Adapting to the impacts of climate change, whether at the national, sub-national or community level, is not the responsibility of national governments alone. It requires the coordinated input of multiple stakeholders, including local authorities, development partners, communities and civil society. This study aims to offer guidance to governments and their partners on how to engage the private sector in the NAP process.
حسب المادة 7.9 من اتفاقية باريس، تشارك جميع األطراف ُف وكما هو مناسب في تكوين وتطبيق إجراءات تخطيط التكي ُلزم ُف الوطنية )NAP). تستهدف هذ الوثيقة صانعي السياسات والقرارات والممارسين ُف مع تغير المناخ على المستوى الوطني )مثال: العاملين في التكي ُف وخبراء وزارات البيئة ونقاط اتصال تغير المناخ وخبراء التكي على مستوى القطاعات.