Effectively delivering on Climate and Nature: NDCs, NAPs and NBSAPs Synergies – A checklist for national policymakers

This checklist for national policymakers illustrates potential opportunities and interactions during the development or update of the NDCs, NAPs, and NBSAPs. It provides a list of points for consideration to enhance synergies and co-benefits throughout planning and implementation phases, ensuring gender-responsive and socially inclusive approaches.
Financing Adaptation in Zambia – Suggestions based on the AGRICA Climate Risk Analysis

Building on the estimated financing needs for the adaptation measures prioritized within the AGRICA Climate Risk Analysis in Zambia, this study discusses suitable financing options with the overall aim of bringing resilience goals closer to implementation.
Climate Change and Rural Development – Selected Resources

Climate change has far-reaching consequences for rural development. If you want to better understand this nexus, have a look at this living document. It provides you with many relevant publications and websites for the nexus of climate change and rural development, including basic concepts, reference documents of the UNFCCC and relevant tools and data bases.
Livelihood, Resilience and Migration

This qualitative study highlights the interactions between climate change, human mobility and pastoralists’ livelihoods in the border regions of Uganda and Kenya. It provides nuanced perspectives and recommendations on adaptive strategies and the role of both governmental and non-governmental actors in fostering resilience amidst these climatic shifts.
Technical Brief: Promoting Synergies Between Climate Change Adaptation and Biodiversity

The technical summary presents a framework that highlights common elements in the adaptation and biodiversity planning process and provides insights into relevant case studies from different countries that illustrate key lessons learned and best practices. These could be applied or inspire the revision, formulation and implementation of the National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Processes (NBSAPs), to promote synergies and efficient resource allocation.
Peer Learning for Climate Action – Why it works and how funders can support it

This brief showcases peer learning as an effective approach to developing capacity for responding to the challenges of climate change. It is aimed at practitioners in funding and implementing agencies, particularly those working in policy processes at national levels, but it is relevant for all those interested in strengthening capacity for climate action.
Leaving Place, Restoring Home – Enhancing the Evidence Base on Planned Relocation Cases in the Context of Hazards, Disasters, and Climate Change

The Leaving Place, Restoring Home studies have identified over 400 cases of planned relocation across the globe. What are the characteristics of planned relocation, and the opportunities and challenges associated with it? In what ways can it support durable solutions for people vulnerable to disasters and climate change? What can the Leaving Place, Restoring Home studies add to our understanding of planned relocation?
Gender and Climate Change Adaptation in the NDCs – Policy Paper

The policy paper offers an analysis of the gender data held in the Tool for Assessing Adaptation in the Nationally Determined Contributions (TAAN), calling attention to gender-sensitive planning processes, gender-disaggregated impacts as well as gender-responsive budgeting approaches.
Policy Advice for Climate-Resilient Economic Development (CRED) – Methods of assessing and planning climate-resilient economic development

The CRED Factsheet introduces in the IKI program Policy Advice for Climate-Resilient Economic Development. The factsheet explains the need to assess climate risks and improve adaptation measures. It illustrates the CRED approach in developing human and technical capacities in macro-economic modelling of climate risks in the economic and planning ministries in Kazakhstan, Vietnam and Georgia. This aims at central macro-economic strategies and policies, supporting the implementation of NDC goals and national adaptation plans (NAP).
Project Brief: Climate Resilient Economic Development (CRED) – Managing Economic Risks of Climate Change

The CRED Project Brief gives an overview in how to manage economic risks of climate change by macro-economic modelling. The Project Brief introduces the three macro-economic models applied in the three partner countries Kazakhstan, Vietnam and Georgia. It explains how these models support the countries and its political institutions in developing climate-sensitive development plans and economic development strategies by translating the modelling results in evidence-based country specific policies.