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This factsheet summarises the findings of our study of the same name and gives a brief overview on the GP L&D’s CRM framework. Our CRM framework is a risk-based, iterative approach to managing climate-related risks, taking into consideration social, economic, non-economic, institutional, biophysical and environmental aspects. It understands measures related to mitigation, climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and risk finance and insurance as complementary parts of the same toolbox. In order to attain the smartest mix of measures for a given situation, it links tried-and-tested measures with innovative instruments and transformational approaches in a comprehensive and integrated way. 
This factsheet provides you with important background information about the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts (WIM), its five-year rolling workplan and expert groups as well as its significance for (German) development cooperation and exemplary measures for dealing with climate-induced losses and damages.   
Agrifood systems play a crucial role in reducing hunger and poverty and providing a nutritious diet for all. However, in their current state, agrifood systems often do not function well and are the single largest driver of environmental degradation and transgression of planetary boundaries. Therefore, they are both a major cause of climate change and at the same time highly vulnerable to its impacts. Digital tools provide the potential for transforming agrifood systems. From farm to fork digital technology has the potential to accelerate sustainable intensification of diversified production and healthy diets with a low carbon footprint. This briefing, the first one of two, presents an overview for development cooperation practitioners on how to start a digital transformation in agrifood projects, especially with regard to climate resilience and GHG emission reductions.
The study focuses on evolving trends for temperature and precipitation, future water availability and the suitability to grow crops in three Ghanaian districts in the Upper West Region: Lawra, Sissala East and Wa West. Climate change is already affecting the agricultural sector in northern Ghana and its impacts will continue to increase in the future. This puts livelihoods and economic growth at risk and shows the urgent need for effective adaptation strategies. The aim of the study is to provide a comprehensive climate risk analysis that can guide adaptation planning at the district level.
Una recopilación de todas las publicaciones sobre la adaptación basada en los ecosistemas producidos por el proyecto global "Itegración de la AbE" (Mainstreaming EbA) financiado por BMU-IKI. En el documento encontrarás breves descripciones y enlaces, así como códigos QR para cada publicación. De esta manera, obtener una visión general de lo que está disponible y encontrar lo que necesita es más fácil y rápido. La lista se actualizará periódicamente con nuevas publicaciones.
La Comunidad Internacional de Práctica de la AbE tiene como objetivo el intercambio de conocimientos y experiencias, así como el aprendizaje mutuo más allá de los proyectos, las instituciones y las fronteras regionales sobre la Adaptación basada en los Ecosistemas (AbE). Su objetivo es desarrollar conjuntamente enfoques armonizados, lecciones aprendidas basadas en la evidencia y mejores prácticas sobre cómo planificar e implementar una AbE efectiva para ayudar a la gente a adaptarse a los efectos adversos del cambio climático a través de un proceso de aprendizaje colaborativo.
El proyecto global "Integración de la AbE" (Mainstreaming EbA )es un proyecto de gestión del conocimiento que apoya a los actores a nivel internacional, nacional y local para incorporar la adaptación basada en los ecosistemas en los procesos de política y planificación de diferentes sectores.  El proyecto se centra en la gestión del conocimiento dentro de una comunidad internacional de práctica de la AbE. Con la ayuda de otras redes, el proyecto global AbE ha desarrollado una serie de conceptos, estrategias, métodos y herramientas para promover la AbE e informar sobre las negociaciones, políticas, estrategias y planes de acción en materia de adaptación. 
Entender y explicar qué es la adaptación basada en los ecosistemas puede ser un desafío. Esta ficha informativa elaborada por el proyecto global "Integración de la AbE" (Mainstreaming EbA) ofrece una breve descripción y una sencilla visualización para ayudar a aclarar el término AbE, así como su relación con  las "soluciones basadas en la naturaleza" (SbN), término utilizado con frecuencia en la actualidad. 
In November 2020, the BMU-IKI funded and GIZ-implemented Global Project Mainstreaming EbA welcomed a group of over 200 Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) practitioners from 50 different countries to the 5th international EbA Community of Practice Workshop. The workshop took place in an entirely virtual format and aimed to create a space for exchange and mutual learning that fosters and improves the implementation of EbA during and beyond the ongoing pandemic. This Learning Brief offers insights into the discussions and findings of the event.
This report summarizes an online four-day Training of Trainers (ToT) session in June that aimed to build capacity of border officials to address disaster displacement situations. The ToT is the 2nd phase of training which follows the first virtual delivery to border officials across the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) in June 2020.
The purpose of this report is twofold: to illustrate the importance of integrating gender considerations in EbA actions and to provide concrete examples of how this can be done in practice. It is designed for EbA practitioners and adaptation policy-makers, including government decision-makers and technical support staff, civil society organisations, private sector enterprises, and research institutions.
This report from the publication series 'Green Recovery for Practitioners' presents a compilation of 23 examples that show how communities, cities and countries have implemented the idea of a green recovery. Covering a wide range of sectors, entry levels and approaches, it draws upon measures and instruments that have been deployed in more than 20 countries, particularly in developing and emerging economies. Each example reflects on the actors involved, the progress made and the lessons learned so far.
The Eastern Caribbean region is currently faced with a dilemma: On the one hand, the region is struggling with the management of the COVID-19 pandemic which has necessitated extended State of Emergency periods with established curfews and other measures to encourage people to stay home, practice social distancing and move as little as possible. Also, borders are largely closed, hence, the Free Movement of People Regime in the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) region is restricted due to COVID-19. These situations imply that people cannot move within the region and internal movements are also restricted. On the other hand, the OECS region is expecting an above-average active hurricane season which, based on past experience, might require people to move within their countries or across borders as a result of hurricanes or other climate-related events. These two different crises demand contrasting kinds of action: remaining versus moving.
The CRED Practitioner's Guide offers a framework to help economic advisers in central and sectoral government ministries to integrate climate economic modelling results in economic development processes, with the ultimate objective to support climate-resilient economic development. The guide describes various opportunities to integrate climate modelling results along all steps of the economic development policy cycle, from planning to budgeting and financing, implementation, and monitoring, evaluation, and learning.
With a particular focus on the role of development cooperation, impacts of climate change on the ocean and coastal zones were discussed during the expert dialogue ‘The ocean in a changing climate: Rapidly growing risk of loss and damage?’ hosted by GIZ Global Programme on Risk Assessment and Manage­ment for Adaptation to Climate Change (Loss & Damage) in January 2021. Key insights from the event are presented in this report.
La relance verte est un terme largement utilisé pour désigner les trains de mesures visant à pallier les conséquences sociales, économiques et politiques de la crise de COVID-19 d’une manière qui ouvre la voie à des réformes structurelles à long terme et à un changement de cap vers la durabilité, la protection de la biodiversité, la résilien¬ce et la neutralité climatique. Elle peut être réalisée par le biais de diverses institutions et approches juridiques et politiques, notamment en s’appuyant sur les outils existants mis au point dans le cadre des approches établies de l’économie verte.
Understaning and explaining what Ecosystem-based Adaptation is can be tricky. This new facthseet developed by the Global project Mainstreaming EbA provides you with a brief overview and a simple visualization to help make the term EbA more clear. It also relates EbA to the now often discussed term 'Nature-based Solutions' and thereby offers an easy to remember bridge to avoid confusion. 
The Global Project Mainstreaming EbA is a knowledge management project supports actors at international, national and local level to incorporate ecosystem-based adaptation into policy and planning processes of different sectors.  A focus of the project lies on knowledge management within an international EbA community of practice. With the help of additional networks, the global EbA project has developed a variety of concepts, strategies, methods and tools to promote EbA and to inform adaptation negotiations, policies, strategies and action plans. 
C‘est un enjeu fondamental pour l’avenir de l’humanité de nourrir une population mondiale en augmentation constante, tout en respectant les limites de la planète. Les modèles dominants de production et de consommation entraînent la perte des bases d’existence naturelles et détruisent les écosystèmes et leur fonctionnement. En 2017, 820 millions de personnes souffraient de sous-alimentation. Le changement climatique renforce cette tendance et pousse les écosystèmes naturels jusqu’aux limites de leur capacité de charge, entraînant ainsi de graves conséquences pour l’environnement, l’économie et les êtres humains. Afin d’assurer la survie de l’humanité, il est nécessaire de rendre les systèmes agro-alimentaires plus durables et plus résilients au climat.
The 6-step climate risk assessment (CRA) methodology provides practitioners and decision-makers with a guidance on how to assess climate-related risks and how to translate the assessment into measures. Main characteristics of the methodology include the participation of all stakeholders, the assessment of hazards along the entire spectrum from slow onset processes to extreme weather events, the consideration of non-economic losses and damages as well as the focus on risk tolerance levels. It aims at identifying a smart mix of climate risk management measures, combining proven instruments from climate change adaptation and disaster risk management with innovative instruments to address residual risks which cannot be averted. As such, CRA can support evidence-based and risk-informed decision making and planning in the context of climate change.
The CRED Factsheet introduces in the IKI program Policy Advice for Climate-Resilient Economic Development. The factsheet explains the need to assess climate risks and improve adaptation measures. It illustrates the CRED approach in developing human and technical capacities in macro-economic modelling of climate risks in the economic and planning ministries in Kazakhstan, Vietnam and Georgia. This aims at central macro-economic strategies and policies, supporting the implementation of NDC goals and national adaptation plans (NAP).
The CRED Project Brief gives an overview in how to manage economic risks of climate change by macro-economic modelling. The Project Brief introduces the three macro-economic models applied in the three partner countries Kazakhstan, Vietnam and Georgia. It explains how these models support the countries and its political institutions in developing climate-sensitive development plans and economic development strategies by translating the modelling results in evidence-based country specific policies.
The following guidance note presents “why” and “how” the NAP process can be utilized as a key mechanism and driver to mainstream and upscale EbA. It is based on a recent analysis of 19 completed NAP documents that reviewed the inclusion of ecosystems and uptake of EbA measures. The document builds on the lessons learned from the review and identifies guiding principles and actions accordingly. It also presents an overview of ecosystems, ecosystem services and their role in adaptation, and how managing their transformation under a changing climate can contribute to reducing climate risks and impacts for both people and ecosystems. Furthermore, it focuses on guiding principles and recommended actions along the steps of the NAP process to integrate and enhance EbA.
National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes present a strategic opportunity to raise the profile of EbA approaches, providing a framework—and, potentially, financial resources—for implementation at scale. Based on this , the NAP Global Network undertook a review of 19 NAP documents to better understand the extent to which EbA, as a tool for adaptation, has been taken up in NAP processes. This analysis highlights the extent of integration and identification of ecosystems and EbA into National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), trends in how EbA was incorporated, and opportunities to strengthen the profile and quality of EbA.