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Les technologies pour la gestion durable des terres (GDT) ont souvent plusieurs avantages, notamment pour l’atténuation et pour l’adaptation au changement climatique. De plus, elles soutiennent les objectifs des producteurs et productrices en matière d'augmentation et de sécurisation des rendements. Ce guide et l'outil Excel présentent une méthode participative pour identifier les risques climatiques pertinents et pour évaluer dans quelle mesure les technologies GDT répondent à ces risques, ainsi que leur faisabilité au niveau local.
Soil protection and rehabilitation (SPR) technologies often provide several advantages, including benefits for mitigation and adaptation, while supporting farmers' goals to boost and secure their yields. This guide and Excel-based tool provide a participatory method for identifying relevant climate risks and assessing how well SPR technologies address such risks along with their local feasibility.
The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) is a non-binding agreement comprising comprehensive commitments for governing international migration under the obligations and principles of international law. To support an effective implementation process, this report reviews existing policies and legal instruments on regional and national level governing migration in the context of disasters, climate change and environmental degradation.
The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) includes commitments addressing migration induced by disasters, the adverse effects of climate change and environmental degradation. Goals 2, 5, 21 and 23 of the GCM are of particular relevance within this context. To be effective, adequate incorporation of the commitments in national and regional policies and legislation is needed. The GCM lacks a comprehensive monitoring and reporting framework to track and evaluate the implementation process. Therefore, the Global Compact for Migration Baseline Analysis Report reviews existing policies and legal instruments on regional and national level governing migration in the context of disasters, climate change and environmental degradation. This fact sheet summarizes ten key insights derived from the report.
Dans le but d’appuyer l’élaboration du dispositif national de S&E de l’adaptation et de l’atténuation aux changements climatiques, un diagnostic des systèmes de S&E existants a été fait au cours de l’année 2019. Cet état des lieux a permis d’identifier des indicateurs de S&E communs pour le Plan National d’Adaptation (PNA) et la Contribution Déterminée au niveau National (CDN), des besoins en renforcement de capacités des acteurs nationaux liés au S&E et des recommandations pour l’opérationnalisation du dispositif de S&E.
This briefing guides its reader through the complex subject of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) of Adaptation. It gives an overview about the benefits of investing in MEL and provides current challenges. It explains what you need to know about the debate on M&E and transparency under the Paris Agreement and Katowice and offers a rich list of further literature and practical solutions.
Esta visión general de la investigación resume los mensajes clave obtenidos de un estudio de caso sobre AbE en los Andes peruanos durante el proyecto AbE Montaña en Miraflores, que tenía como objetivo mejorar la gestión de los recursos naturales en los pastos y humedales locales de montaña con un enfoque en organización comunitaria. La autora muestra cómo se pueden utilizar varios indicadores y marcos de monitoreo para mostrar la eficacia de AbE.
This research overview summarises key messages obtained from a case study about EbA in the Peruvian Andes during the Mountain EbA project in Miraflores, which aimed to improve natural resource management in local mountain pastures and wetlands with a focus on community organization.
Experiences from practitioners on how to set up monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems and indicators for monitoring and evaluating adaptation results and linking M&E specific to Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) to other monitoring and reporting systems. This learning brief is a result of a learning and dialogue workshop, including three technical sessions, held within the 2nd international EbA Community of Practice Workshop that was conducted between 21 and 24 August 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Opportunities and limits of connecting the monitoring of the implementation of the Paris Agreement, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction are explored. The policy brief provides recommendations for complementary national and lobal monitoring and reporting towards their objectives in regard to adaptation to climate change.