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This guidebook seeks to provide organitzizations with the information they need in order to understand the range of issues involved in adaptation, and to help them make informed decisions about how they may make progress with adaptation planning in practice. It explains why adaptation is climate risk management and provides a comprehensive overview of methods and tools for climate risk assessment.
This case study assesses a private sector project run by the IFC in Nepal. The project engages and develops the capacity of agribusiness firms and local commercial banks to transfer skills and resources to farmers, thus promoting climate resilience in the agricultural sector. The report also explores opportunities for scaling-up and replicating private sector engagement.
Opportunities and limits of connecting the monitoring of the implementation of the Paris Agreement, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction are explored. The policy brief provides recommendations for complementary national and lobal monitoring and reporting towards their objectives in regard to adaptation to climate change.
Este documento de orientación política expone que la vinculación entre el proceso PNAD y las NDCs puede promover una mejor acción de adaptación. Asimismo, incluye preguntas guía para aquellos países que se planteen usar el proceso PNAD de esta manera, así como mensajes clave para los y las responsables de la elaboración de políticas.