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As part of applying the Vulnerability Assessment for Socio-Ecological Systems (VASES) approach in Ha Tinh province, vulnerability assessments for ecosystem-based adaptation were conducted at both macro and micro levels, and based on their findings, ecosystem-based adaptation measures could be identified as stand-alone responses or complementary sets of possibilities for hardware-based/infrastructure-based measures to climate change adaptation.
As part of applying the Vulnerability Assessment for Socio-Ecological Systems (VASES) approach in Quang Binh province, vulnerability assessments for ecosystem-based adaptation were conducted at both macro and micro levels, and based on their findings, ecosystem-based adaptation measures could be identified as stand-alone responses or complementary sets of possibilities for hardware-based/infrastructure-based measures to climate change adaptation.
The GIZ project “Strategic Mainstreaming of EbA in Vietnam” is working to promote EbA approaches in Climate Change Adaptation planning across government policy and planning systems. Institutional considerations are thus important. While much of CCA policy is produced at the national level, practical planning for CCA is primarily the responsibility of the Provincial Peoples’ Committees. Thus, as part of its portfolio of activities the project has selected two provinces - Quang Binh and Ha Tinh to demonstrate EbA vulnerability assessments and identify EbA interventions.
This poster is illustrating the main features of the Technical Paper, “Making Ecosystem-based Adaptation Effective – A Framework for Defining Qualification Criteria and Quality Standards” provides a practical assessment framework for designing, implementing and monitoring EbA measures by proposing a set of 3 elements, 5 qualification criteria and 20 quality standards and example indicators.
This report aims at making the case for developing and implementing a comprehensive, structured approach at the local, national, regional and international levels to deal with residual risk associated with climate-related events. The report focuses on the Caribbean region with a special emphasis on Grenada, which illustrates the consequences and the responses to deal with climate risk arising from climate change-related extreme events and slow onset changes through concrete case studies.
Tropical Cyclone Pam has been recognised as an opportunity to learn lessons and draw up recommendations for [German] development cooperation and its partners in the region on how to address the issue of comprehensive climate risk management, including climate risk insurance. The objectives of this study were to identify those lessons in order to inform Germany’s current and future regional cooperation in Vanuatu and the South Pacific region. The study gives an overview of socio-economic characteristics, disaster risk, and CRM institutions and programmes in Vanuatu and the region.
The present document has been prepared by the Second Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Biodiversity and Climate Change. The document addresses a range of topics as reflected in the terms of reference of the Expert Group. Throughout the document, case-studies are used to illustrate good-practice examples and lessons learned. Furthermore, wherever possible, tools and methodologies are elaborated in order to provide concrete and practical scientific and technical advice.
This report will build upon the previous scoping study (Ecosystems Based Adaptation: Knowledge Gaps in Making an Economic Case for Investing in Nature Based Solutions for Climate Change (Rizvi et al., 2015)) and will assess the importance of nature based solutions to address climate risks and identify knowledge gaps in economic data from the field in the Philippines. The purpose of this study is to "increase understanding of the economic effectiveness of ecosystems based approaches and provide additional important information that would assist decision making at the local, national and global levels."